Thursday 23 May 2013


hullo guys,
So it was Physics today.
We were learning about ... umm ... oh yea, about graphs or something. Well, the teacher (Mr Oldster) was telling us (well more like telling himself) something again and we were 'listening very closely' to him of course.
The entire hour we had to listen to his awfully boring interpretation of the substance. He was completely engrossed in talking and we were trying not to fall asleep.
And that was it. Kiddo (Andy) have had enough. He got up, walked to the back of the class behind the pews and began... breaking!
We all started to laugh out loud. And Mr Oldster... did nothing - as if he did not hear us at all!
When Kiddo stopped dancing we began to clap him - he was grat okay?:D And Mr Oldster ignored us anyway, he just talked on.
I really doubt about his teaching skills... But as long as we have fun - why bother? C:

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Where to find me?

Hullo everyone,
so if you'd be interested, here are some of my profiles and contacts. You can ask me questions there or just check it out;)

We Heart It profile >HERE<
Ask me! > HERE<
Email address >HERE<
My another blog (Czech) >HERE<
Facebook profile >HERE<
just one (#not bad) pic of myself if youre courious