Monday 19 May 2014


Hullo guys,
A strange thing happened to me today. I'll probably write this article for a while (For about 1 week, I guess. And even when I finish it, I'll wait some more time just to make sure it'll never be on the top of my page.) 'cause I won't write it all at once. I'll write gradually, adding a new paragraph each day. And when I'll post the article, the date written above it will be the date I started writing (that is today - 19th May, 2014). Maybe no one will notice this little thought of mine. And maybe that would be for the best.

don't click "read more".

Sunday 18 May 2014


Hullo everyone,
Recently I noticed some themes nobody talks much about. They're often intentionally ignored or only briefly mentioned. Even your parents often won't tell you much about these things, except that they are bad.
Maybe you've already figured I'm talking about drugs (mostly those non-addictive ones).
Now I'm gonna tell you purely my own opinion, without any inhibitions or taboos. And I reckon with the fact some of you won't agree (although I think this disagreement will again and again come from the fact that no one talks about these things - people are making up misconceptions). Anyway, let's begin.

Drugs. The first thing that comes to your mind when somebody says "drugs" is probably the word "bad". And I'm not saying it's a lie. But I'm not saying it's completely true either.
There are drugs which are totally bad according to me. The hard and addictive ones, such as heroin or meth. Being addicted to something, therefore not being able to live without it, really sucks. It's like some thing is controling your life. And I mean... who would want that, right?

click "read more" for "BUT" (yeah, only one T, sorry...)

Saturday 17 May 2014


Hullo everyone,
I can't think of anything particular to white about, so I'm just gonna randomly write about anything that comes to my mind at this moment. There will probably be no one reading it anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
. . .
Today I tried to re-decorate my lovely room again and I'm quite satisfied with the result. Well, it's certainly better that it was before (there was a would-be motivating "Stay strong" text and an old, but really big One Direction poster... yeah...).
. . .
I'm listening to the sound of raindrops gently falling on my window (yes, i have a sunroof) and it seems to me that I don't have any purpose in this sick world. She should have died when she was born. It wouldn't have changed anything, 'cause I am nobody.
. . .
I love this weather. Rain, fog, darkness. It's so beautiful.

. . .
C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue aux chats
Je vois les autres
Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi
these are the ones i was looking for :C

. . .
And I also tried to find a Nirvana t-shirt in this fucking city (forgive me this rude word), but I didn't find the one I was looking for. So I decided to improvise and make it myself. It won't be as good as the original, but whatever.
I also tried to find The Beatles t-shirt. This attempt was more succesful, but I will probably also make this shirt myself (the price is quite unavailable for me C:).
. . .
Oh, and yesterday I was on a ride with my close friend (Like, with our horses. Yes, I do horse-riding. I never mentioned that? Well, I'm mentioning it now.). And it was sooo cool, 'cause it was the first time we were allowed to go alone, just by ourselves! Just me, her and our lovely horses. It was such a strange and wonderful feeling. 
. . .
And that is, I think, everything. I won't go any further, 'cause I know you probably didn't even get here. And if you did, you have to be really bored and annoyed (but you surely have my admiration and gratitude).
I'll see you at the next uninteresting article I'll write!
. . .
We were two kids, just trying to get out
Lived on the dark side of the American dream
We would dance all night, play our music loud
But when we grew up, nothing was what it seemed

Saturday 3 May 2014


Hullo guys,
Let's focus on something a bit different today. I'm talking about something that's been here for a long time now and it's still pure and fresh. Something that young people keep coming back to, even after all these years. The wise already know. I'm talking about the "old" music (And some stuff about today's music. Just to annoy you. Haha.)!
I believe today's music is already so affected by commerce and "modern technology", that it gradually loses it's original meaning. Today's "music stars" are usually nothing but another means for making money, being used by cunning managers. It's all based on money and contacts. If you have one or the other (or preferably both), the "fame&glory" is yours. Kiss, kiss. Welcome to the shining business.
Well, I prefer the oldies and the based-on-them bands as you probably figured. From The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, Nirvana and Oasis to today's Ocean Colour Scene, Radiohead, The Cranberries, The 1975... And I thought that if you don't know or don't listen to these greats already, I could show you at least some of their work. C:

click here to see it

Thursday 1 May 2014


Hullo there guys,
Last time I talked about some serious stuff so today I'm gonna talk about something bit more sentimental, deep and espcially not serious. C: I came up with this little "story" out of my fave quotes few days ago and I surprisingly kinda like it so... here we go! C:

"You look rad" he grinned.
"I'm sad" she replied.
"Kinda disgusted of my fat body" she said smiling with irony. Then she looked down.
"What are you talking 'bout? You're not fat, silly" he said smiling at her.
"I am. Ugly and fat. That's the problem."
He paused for a little while. "Well, if you think so... Then face the problem."
She laughed. "You can't face the problem if the problem is your face."
He paused again and smiled a little, trying to find the right words. Eventually, he said: "You are beautiful, but you're empty. No one could die for you."
She looked back at him quite surprised, now with this spark in her eyes. He caught her look and they were looking right at each other for a moment.Then she turned away and the spark was gone.
"I don't need anyone to die for me."
"Oh, you do. Everyone does" he smiled sadly.
"Well, I'm obviously not everyone." She kept telling herself she doesn't need anyone, but the truth was, they didn't need her.
"I bet you'd appreciate it at last. A guy who'd always be there for you, who'd buy you flowers and sing for you and stuff like that."
She laughed again. "A perfect boyfriend?"
"Yeah, a perfect boyfriend! I mean, who wouldn't love to have one, right?"
"I wouldn't" she said "People are screwed up in this world. I'd rather be with someone screwed up and opened about it then somebody perfect and ready to explode."
He nodded. "I guess this world just got worse, huh? All this sadness and depression and people not giving a single fuck about each other..."
She was quiet for a while. Then she said just. "The world didn't get worse. Your eyes just got wider."