Friday 31 January 2014


Hullo guys,
I know it's still winter but I think it's never too soon to start doing something with yourself. C: Like every year I got a little fatter during Christmas time (especially in the thighs area) so I decided to start exercising. For real this time!
I went through probably all the pages and pics on this topic and I found this.
you can do this!

I work out like this for a couple of weeks and I can say it's quite effective! C: And if you turn on some good music during your workout it'll be more like fun than exercising. So don't give up! And remember that if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you! C:

Thursday 30 January 2014


Hullo guys,
We were talking about our school trip today. (we always go on a trip for a few days at the end of the year) We suggested to go camping or rafting. it would be awesome, wouldn't it? But im afraid our class is full of ignorant lazy kids. They weren't certainly excited about our ideas. However, they didnt say anything either - any other suggestion, nothing. They didnt even argue. But you should've seen their looks!
So i guess all they wanna do during the free days is to play their stupid cards or computer games. I dont know.
But! I've been wondering if you could help me. If you have similar trips in your school, where do you usually go? What are you doing during these last days of school? Do you have any idea where to go or something?
Thank you C:

Saturday 25 January 2014


Hullo guys,
Today i'd like to talk about music because this is quite inexhaustible topic.
Im not exactly into today's idea of what should ideal music be like. You know like the lyrics are all about the same - girls, love, broken hearts, girls, soft soap, girls... i listen to something a little bit different. So im gonna write you down some of my tips - what do I listen to. C:

Marina & The Diamonds
This band is really something. I have their album - it practically haven't stopped playing since i've got it. At first i liked one or two songs... Now im completely dependent on any of their songs. To me the very best are Lies, Im Not A Robot and Teen Idle. The music itself is quite similar to Lana Del Rey's.

The 1975
This is something little bit different. The 1975 are English indie rock band are their songs are kinda - i dont know- faster and louder i guess. They're awesome! C: Best songs: ChocolateThe CitySettle Down

click "read more" for more indie music

Friday 24 January 2014

DIY: Tie-Dyed Denim Shorts

Hullo guys,
So today im gonna tell you  how to make your own cool denim shorts! It looks complicated but its actually really simple . And the result is beautiful, isnt it? Well, no more talking and lets get started! C:
You will need:
  • old jeans + scissors
  • large pot (or another container) with water
  • batik colour
  • piece of string or rubber bands
  • teaspoon of salt
Note: the needed things may vary depending on your batik colour. follow the instructions written on it strictly.

Friday 17 January 2014


hullo guys,
so im here again and today im gonna talk about few things you can do when you're bored!

  • TV Series & Films
    The first thing that comes to my mind is to watch another episode of Skins, Pretty Little Liars or Ravenswood (if you'd like to know more about these serials, click here). To be honest i think im quite dependent on finding new TV series to watch. Nothing can make me feel more comfy than watching a good movie or a funny serial!
  • Books!
    Maybe its only my opinion but the best way how to spend your time is to read a book . Like really - You learn something new and what is even better: you have a good feeling you havent spent all day at the internet. Books help you sleep and offer you something like an escape i guess. You know... when the world is dark. C: 
  • Go for a walk
    If its not a hurricane or something out there, dont be lazy and go out! I know winter is about being cozy, drinking warm tea or coffe and doing nothing, but you can do this stuff in the evening C: So get your buddies outta beds or just go alone (i do that when i wanna do some thinking and i always take my headphones with me;).

Thursday 16 January 2014


hullo guys,
so i decided to write you some of my favourite tv series, hope it'll be useful C:

♥ Skins Skins Skins Skins Skins Skins 
The fist one i'd like to talk about is Skins. This is pretty messed up serial about teenage relationships and dramas and about life in general. The first season is more like 'crazy' and you may think its just some vulgar and rude crap, but then it gets going and suddenly you're addicted to it:D its funny, touching, romantic, weird, realistic and everything a good serial should be . But you better not watch it when your parents are near.

Pretty Little Liars
This one is based on a same-name book by Sara Shepard. Its about four girls whose friend died under very strange circumstances. Its myterious, maybe kinda scary but not much. And its so exciting! Something happens every minute and so you never get bored. Brilliant thing, check it out! C:

This TV serial follows Pretty Little Liars and its the same kind of thing but more scary and maybe a bit more exciting. Sometimes im really scared while wathing this:D. i recommend you to start watching it after you finishing PLL (as i said, it follows the story).

American Horror Story
This is the scariest serial as you can deduce. When you sleep over at your friend's this one is a great choice. It has a pretty good story too, so for me its awesome because i love horrors C: but if you're not into this kinda thing, you wont be so excited :D
(Oh, and it has Evan Peters.)

Sunday 5 January 2014


☺Hullo guys☺
Here goes the tip!
Yaaaay, Felix Kjellberg (aka Pewdiepie)!
If you know him, you probably love him already:D But this guy is just so amazing it would be a great shame if a wouldn't introduce him to you!
He's swedish Youtuber. The most subscribed Youtuber of all, for make myself clear:) He's making mainly gaming videos. yeah, i know - you, who don't like gaming are probably thinking "omg, watching somebody playing game is BULLSHIT". BUT he's not JUST playing games!
Something about his weirdnes, awkward jokes, funny faces and his amazing personality is just do ADORABLE. He loves his bros (thats how his fans call themselves) so so much that i wonder if it's even possible sometimes. When im sad, i just go watch his videos and he always make me smile and cheer me up. Always.
I could write like this forever so go and check his channel for sure!
You won't regret, i promise:)

channel HERE

Saturday 4 January 2014


Hullo guys,
One nice guy told me to post my favourite clothes, so just in case some of you could like it too and.. i don't know, however, here they are:)

blouse : Marks&Spencer
skirt: Pull&Bear

cute sweater complet: Marks&Spencer
shirt: Marks&Spencer