Tuesday 12 November 2013

THE BEST OF: October

hullo guys,
There we go, the first The best of is here! I have so much things to share with you this time, so hope u will like it C:
I found SO much good songs, most of them thanks to Marzia Bisognin. There are really loads of them, so hope u wouldn't mind check them below this main part:D (open the "Read more") But they're really, really awesome and beautiful so be sure to listen to them!
The second thing is that funny math class:D:D our teacher is a good man (although he stinks a LOT and he's total weirdo, but maybe that's the reason why we like him. ... okay. we don't like him.). it was really anarchy there! People just walking around the class, talking to each other, yelling, singing stupid songs while the teacher was explaining an exercise:D:D Well, you can read more about this there. You can also find all those funny stories in the "funny stories" section.
Then, well.. i haven't seen any 'that good' movies this month, so.. Well, i can recommend you some of the older films like Armageddon or The Perks Of Being Wallflower - really great movies, like REALLY! If you love horror movies like me, be sure to check out The Conjuring or Woman in black (with Daniell Radcliffe, dat sexy beast:3) I'll write u the rest below C:
I also found out Ravenswood. It kinda follows the Pretty Little Liars. I'm pretty sure you've heard about this one:) And if u haven't, go ahead an watch it! I loved it since the first episode and now i'm compleatly dependent:D really
Well, i also bought few pretty nice clothes, so let me know if u're interested and i'll post them:)
Ok, thats it. I think i've said all i wanted to. so hope u enjoyed! XX