We have this guy in our class and he's like... bit of freak. He makes (? is this the right word? idk) strange noices - whining, squealing, howling... I guess he's doing it for fun, but still. He's got a nickname (like all the freaks) but I don't really know how to convert it to English. So let's just call him Buck.
So Buck presented his civics project Me (like... about him) today. He started with: "When I was in my mom's belly my parents were still looking forward to me. So far."
We burst out laughing. He seemed like he had no idea why are we laughing so hard so he just paused. After a while he continued.
"When I was finally born everyone was unhappy." - We burst out again - "I was sleepy all the time. When my dad came to see me&mom to the hospital I was always asleep."
Yeah. Then he began talking about his toddler period.
"When I was a toddler I still only wanted to sleep. I used to wake up crying at night but I slept all day long. My favourite sleeping spot was this laundry basket." *he showed us a pic of the red laundry basket* We began laughing really loud.
He continued with the next slide. Favourite activity (in the toddler period): licking and nibbing my crib railing. Followed by the photo of little Buck lying on his bed sticked to the railing. That was it. We almost fell off our chairs. It took me a while to realize it's him on the pic. We could see only his chin and neck. Well, and mouth.
click "read more" for Buck's 'new garden' experiences