Friday 8 March 2013


Hullo guys,
I just wanted to tell someone about this thing but i guess im not that brave. so thats why im writing it there to share it with you at least. C:
Im currently in this situation no one would envy me... like for sure.
so in a nutshell something happend between me and this person who means the world to me. And what is worse - i dont really know what. We're both sad, both depressed but its like... i feel so helpless. I can not do anything. I've used up all my fucking complicated and smart plans for reconciliation and now im totally screwed. This person... he didnt even bother to tell me what is going on. I dont understand anything and so i can do nothing.
It came quite suddenly you know - one day we were so fine and the another... C: And thats why i try so desperately to hide my tears behind fake smile every day. Instead of crying i just close my eyes and take a deep breath.
But enough about me.
What is your experience with such things? How do you deal with depression? C:

*PS: we broke up the day after writing this*

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