Friday 24 January 2014

DIY: Tie-Dyed Denim Shorts

Hullo guys,
So today im gonna tell you  how to make your own cool denim shorts! It looks complicated but its actually really simple . And the result is beautiful, isnt it? Well, no more talking and lets get started! C:
You will need:
  • old jeans + scissors
  • large pot (or another container) with water
  • batik colour
  • piece of string or rubber bands
  • teaspoon of salt
Note: the needed things may vary depending on your batik colour. follow the instructions written on it strictly.

  1. Cut your jeans carefully (dont cut it too short! you know... your buttocks should not be visible :D). Maybe its a good idea to put them on at first and mark where you're gonna cut.
  2. Grab the shorts and crumple them properly. Then tighten them FIRMLY with few rubber bands or a piece of string.
  3. Pour the batik colour into the pot (just follow the instructions on the batik colour and you'll be fine:D). For a better effect you can add some salt.
  4. Put the tied shorts into the pot and stir the water for about 20 minutes (until the colour is absorbed properly). When you're done, rinse the shorts in clean water - but do not untie them yet! Then you can add some vinegar (not much) into the water and rinse them again, it'll stabilize the colour.
    / OR DO WHATEVER YOUR BATIK COLOUR IS TELLING YOU TO! it's really important to follow the instructions. i know what i'm talking about :D
  5. Wring the shorts thoroughly. And now it's finally the time to untie the string (or bands) and enjoy the beauty of your new shorts! Tadaaa!
just for insporation!
see what else you can do with batik colour C:

here are some cool pieces made by me and my friend C:

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