Wednesday 1 April 2015

Střípky z řečí moudrých (The Perks Of Being a Wallflower)

The Perks Of Being a Wallflower (česky Ten kdo stojí v koutě) je rozhodně jedna z mejch nejoblíbenějších knih. Jistě už jsem o ní mluvila dřív, protože už jí čtu poněkolikáté. A co víc, nedávno jsem si dopřála to potěšení, že jsem si ji koupila v originále. Leží teď u mě doma v knihovničce, pečlivě zabalena do obalu ze starých not, nyní už patřičně politém a potrhaném (ale nebojte, kniha je stále v pořádku a zachovává si svou osobitou vůni).
Po dočtení anglické verze (shledala jsem, že v tomhle případě je originál opravu ještě lepší) jsem cítila nutkavou potřebu podělit se s vámi o některé její Perly, které jsem si v knize podtrhla. Každý, kdo četl, jistě pochopí. A kdo nečetl, vřele doufám, že si The Perks Of Being a Wallflower díky této návnadě přečte.

Je docela dobře možné, že některé z citátů vám i přes mou snahu přiblížit kontext nebudou dávat smysl. Pevně ale věřím, že až budete knihu číst sami (a vy budete!), dáte mi vědět o svých vlastních Perlách, které jste si v ní zase podtrhali vy - každý si v ní totiž najde něco svého.

Vstřebávejte, moji milí.

"So this is my life. And I want you to know that I'm both happy and sad and I'm still trying to figure out how that could be."

"I wish I knew. It might make me miss him more clearly. It might have made sad sense."

"Charlie, we accept the love we think we deserve."

"You see thing. You keep quiet about them. And you understand."

"When we got out of the tunel, Sam screamed this really fun scream, and there it was. Downtown. Lights on buildings and everything that makes you wonder. Sam sat down and started laughing. Patrick started laughing. I started laughing.
And in that moment, I swear we were infinite."

"Maybe these are my glory days, and I'm not even realizing it because they don't involve a ball."

"I hope it's the kind of second side that he can listen to whenever he drives alone and feel like he belongs to something whenever he's sad."

"I hope the people who wrote those songs are happy. I hope that they feel it's enough. I really do because they've made me happy."

"Sam and Patrick looked at me. And I looked at them. And I think they knew. Not anything specific really. They just knew. And I think that's all you can ever ask from a friend."

"I guess she didn't know how much she talked or how much I listen."

"I think it would be great if sledding were always enough, but it isn't."

"It's like my very first memory, which I guess is the first time I was aware that I was alive."

"Nobody can be as big as the Beatles because the Beatles already gave it a "context". The reason they were so big is that they had no one to compare themselves with, so the sky was the limit."

"Maybe this is the way things are supposed to be, but it doesn't feel right."

"Just tell me how to be different in a way that makes sense. To make this all go away. And disappear."

"It suddenly dawned on me that if Michael were still around, Susan probably wouldn't be "going out" with him anymore. Not because she's a bad person or shallow or mean. But because things change. And friends leave. And life doesn't stop for anybody."

"When I was driving home, I just thought about the word "special". And I thoght the last person who said that about me was my aunt Helen. I was very grateful to have heard it again. Because I guess we all forget sometimes. And I think everyone is special in their own way. I really do."

"I think on my next birthday, I'm going to buy my mom a present. I think that should be a tradition. The kid gets gifts from everybody, and he buys one present for his mom since she was there, too. I think that would be nice."

"So I guess we are who we are for a lot of reasons. And maybe we'll never know most of them. But even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there."

"Mybe it's good to put things in a perspective, but sometimes, I think that the only perspective is to really be there."

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