Saturday 3 May 2014


Hullo guys,
Let's focus on something a bit different today. I'm talking about something that's been here for a long time now and it's still pure and fresh. Something that young people keep coming back to, even after all these years. The wise already know. I'm talking about the "old" music (And some stuff about today's music. Just to annoy you. Haha.)!
I believe today's music is already so affected by commerce and "modern technology", that it gradually loses it's original meaning. Today's "music stars" are usually nothing but another means for making money, being used by cunning managers. It's all based on money and contacts. If you have one or the other (or preferably both), the "fame&glory" is yours. Kiss, kiss. Welcome to the shining business.
Well, I prefer the oldies and the based-on-them bands as you probably figured. From The Beatles, Pink Floyd, The Velvet Underground, Nirvana and Oasis to today's Ocean Colour Scene, Radiohead, The Cranberries, The 1975... And I thought that if you don't know or don't listen to these greats already, I could show you at least some of their work. C:

click here to see it

~The Beatles~
Let's start with this super-succesful and super-recognized band. I'm sure you've heard about them, but maybe you didn't hear any of their songs yet. Okay, I'm sure you did. But perhaps you don't listen to them. Well, shit. Everyone loves The Beatles. Okay, okay, I'm giving up now. Just... play this song and listen to its perfection.

~Pink Floyd~
 Pink Floyd is also a band from 60s (they collaborated with Beatles on some of their songs). I listen to them when I need to chill out, they're brilliant. See for yourself.


~The Velvet Underground~
Another great band. My friend described them as "the LSD Band". I think I quite agree. C: It's so charming.

This. One. Does. Not. Need. Any. Words. At. All.
 Just... just listen to his beautiful voice.

As everyone else, I also found Oasis through Wonderwall. But since then I fell in love with basically every other one of their songs. Genuine rock band.

That would be it for now, but if you'd like to see more brilliant bands and singers, just let me know in the comments. I'd love to share the songs of the other bands (Radiohead, Ocean Colour Scene etc.) with you too. 
So just let me know if you're interested. C:


  1. Not that sure about Nirvana, just like you've mentioned only KURT COBAIN. but thats not the right way, y'know just trying to say that Nirvana was not only Kurt and the rest. but okay.
    try Amy Winehouse, it's maybe different cup of tea, but shes awesome, i love her just like you love Lana Del Ray) there are many super perfect cool old bands, just like Pixies or Led Zeppelin, the Doors or Black Flag. Just try and search for it. i am sure that your beautiful music taste can be enriched with these names above:))
    PS: did i really write like total shit? :D
    Love, Peace, Empathy.

    1. yeah, i know Nirvana was about something way more deeper and.. meaningful, i guess? but if i'd wanted to write everything i feel, hear and perceive when i listen to Nirvana songs.. i'd probably write 'till the morning light:D i know YOU will understand.
      anyway, thank you for the tips! i'll surely try them (and maybe i'll even write another article about these hehe) C:
      PS: are we really conversating in english?? like wtf?! :D

      PPS: check out an accurate pic :D


Speak your mind my friend!