Saturday 17 May 2014


Hullo everyone,
I can't think of anything particular to white about, so I'm just gonna randomly write about anything that comes to my mind at this moment. There will probably be no one reading it anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
. . .
Today I tried to re-decorate my lovely room again and I'm quite satisfied with the result. Well, it's certainly better that it was before (there was a would-be motivating "Stay strong" text and an old, but really big One Direction poster... yeah...).
. . .
I'm listening to the sound of raindrops gently falling on my window (yes, i have a sunroof) and it seems to me that I don't have any purpose in this sick world. She should have died when she was born. It wouldn't have changed anything, 'cause I am nobody.
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I love this weather. Rain, fog, darkness. It's so beautiful.

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C'est pas ma faute
Et quand je donne ma langue aux chats
Je vois les autres
Tout prêts à se jeter sur moi
these are the ones i was looking for :C

. . .
And I also tried to find a Nirvana t-shirt in this fucking city (forgive me this rude word), but I didn't find the one I was looking for. So I decided to improvise and make it myself. It won't be as good as the original, but whatever.
I also tried to find The Beatles t-shirt. This attempt was more succesful, but I will probably also make this shirt myself (the price is quite unavailable for me C:).
. . .
Oh, and yesterday I was on a ride with my close friend (Like, with our horses. Yes, I do horse-riding. I never mentioned that? Well, I'm mentioning it now.). And it was sooo cool, 'cause it was the first time we were allowed to go alone, just by ourselves! Just me, her and our lovely horses. It was such a strange and wonderful feeling. 
. . .
And that is, I think, everything. I won't go any further, 'cause I know you probably didn't even get here. And if you did, you have to be really bored and annoyed (but you surely have my admiration and gratitude).
I'll see you at the next uninteresting article I'll write!
. . .
We were two kids, just trying to get out
Lived on the dark side of the American dream
We would dance all night, play our music loud
But when we grew up, nothing was what it seemed

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