Wednesday 25 June 2014


Hullo guys,
here I am again, with another unappreciated article, trying my best to share at least some of my deeper thoughts with you. Sorry I took so long. Won't happen again.
Okay let's be honest here, it probably will happen again.
It'll definitely happen again.
Apologize in advance.


Well, let’s move to today’s topic.

To begin with, I confess I’ve been trying to come up with a good subject for weeks and I really couldn’t think of anything worthwhile. After a long effort I finally found something.
It was a quiz. A simple-looking quiz named "Who you are really?"
And I was curious (yeah, and bored) so I did it.

And my result was:

And it made me smile.
I guess it sounds very moronic for non-religious people and yes, I know this is probably just some random result everyone gets and it's very likely usual... And yet, it touched me a bit. Somewhere deep in my heart. And suddenly I knew what I was gonna write about. And for a little while everything seemed crystal clear.

I know many of you guys probably won't agree with me. You'll call me naive, pathethic, stupid.
A lot of people from my country aren't believers. They judge or don't accept any religion in general. I find this very naive, pathetic and stupid. (i mean people judging believers for their faith. I'm totally cool with atheistic people.) This denial has most likely something to do with our history.
And yet, quite many of people from my country are believers. That probably has something to do with our hostory too.
I guess I can't say I'm exactly a Christian, though I grow up in a christian family. I often think of suicide, self-harm or killing and that's not very christian, is it?
But I do strongly believe in God. And I don't like society's idea of believers, religions or God himself (or herself?) in general.
I know what you think of us. I know it too well, trust me.

click "read more" for some more... you know what, don't even click it

And I would like to point out this.
I don't see God as some higher threat. I don't see God as someone I should fear or kneel before. I see him as someone who is there to guide me anytime and everytime I need help. Someone I can put my trust in and get a second glance.
And this is something you can't explain to non-religious people, so I won't even try.
I know you don't see any sense it this whole "religious thing" but PLEASE try to at least accept it and respect it. Don't bother trying to convince believers their faith is pathetic. They won't listen.

And FINALLY, I'd also like to say many people think religion is just another instrument of moralization. And sadly, the people who strengthen this opinion are so called "Christians".
And those radical "Christians" are forcing people to join the church by constant yelling that we're sinners and we shall all burn in hell and only God can save our miserable souls.
And so it happend that society thinks every Christian is a crazed moralist and BOOM - more misconceptions and prejudices are created.
And it shouldn't be like this. It's only a half true. Everyone should find a way to religion by himself. And it's totally fine if they never go this way too. It's your life and your choices and don't let anybody tell you what you should and shouldn't do.
Morality cannot be fought out. It's a fruit of peace.
Religion does not make you a better person and it can't moralize you either. That's all up to you and your decisions.
And I really am tired of people using religion to justify the terrible things they do.

I hope I didn't offend anyone. This is kinda delicate topic but I hope I expressed my point clearly enough. Feel free to ask me anything about this subject, I'm open to constructive discussions.

I guess for me religion is something that brings and keeps us together. Something we can depend on. And I think, in some part of our lives, we all need such 'something'.

Because our generation is lost.

PS: You can do the quiz yourself  > here <

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