Tuesday 3 June 2014

DIY: Pancakes made of bananas?!

Hullo guys,
I didn't write any tips for you quite a long time, so today I have three DIYs for you again! I searched through the internet and decided to write about cooking tips, 'cause everybody loves food, especially yummy food, right? C:

The summer refreshment
The first one is actually really easy and yet totally awesome (For the summer is coming and we're gonna need to cool off!). It's pretty much something like a slush but fresher and better-looking. See for yourselves.

You'll need:
  • some fruit (preferably some which can be crushed)
  • ice cubes
  • fizzy water (or normal water, if you prefer)

K, I don't think there's much to be explained. It's really easy you see.
First, put your fruit in a glass, mash it properly and put some ice above it. Then just pour the water into the glass and stir it. Done!
Note: You can add some garnish, decorations and stuff if you want to. ;)

The beauty in simplicity
The next one is quite simple too. It'll make a good and delicious dinner (or brunch or breakfast or whatever:D). I love it, it's so quick, healthy, really tasty and I bet even a total non-cook can do this! Let's make some banana pancakes (crumpets, if you will)!

You'll need:

1.   a banana
2.   two eggs

Note: This will do for like 7-8 pancakes, so if you wanna make more, multiply the portion of bananas and eggs.

Let's do it! Slice the banana and put it in a medium-sized bowl. Then add the eggs and blend it all. Pour the mixture into the pan to form the pancakes. Voilà, now wait 'till your pancakes are ready. C:
Note#2: You can coat the pan with a little oil to prevent the pancakes from burning to it.

click "read more" if you wanna know how to cook delicious breakfast meals


The Coolest Breakfast!
The very last thing are these "recipes" either my friends told me about or I found myself. They're actually kinda breakfast meals but you can eat them whenever you want, of course. I feel like these really don't need any explaining when I'll post you the pictures how to do them. But I'll write at least few sentences to make sure you'll get it right ;)

You'll need:

1.   a slice of toast bread
2.   an egg
3.   one or two slices of ham
4.   one or two slices of cheese (Edam, Emmental,...)

Note: You can add whichever ingredients you want or replace them with something different, it's up to you.

Start with the bread - cut some kind of a square into the slice. Put the remaining "edges" into the pan (Keep the square, we'll need it later). Add the egg between the edges of the bread. Continue like this with the cheese and ham. Eventually, put the bread square you've been keeping so far at the top of your supertoast - done!

You'll need

  • one egg (or two, if you wanna make more)
  •  one teaspoon of curry
  • pinch of salt
  • fresh oregano leaves (or dried, it doesn't really matter)
I suppose you all know how to make scrumbled eggs. The only difference is that you add curry and oregano to make it taste more interesting (and it actually works). Then you just mix it all up (the eggs with the curry and the salt) and when it's done you add the oregano at the top. It's usually served with a slice of bread. C:

I'm literally too lazy to write this, sorry. It's pretty clear from the picture. Bon Appetite!

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